Category: Diet and Feeding

  • How much water do parakeets need each day?

    How much water do parakeets need each day?

    Parakeets are not high-maintenance birds, and raising them is quite fun. As for their water requirement, merely providing a bowl of water is not going to be enough. Turns out their dynamics with H2O is not as straightforward as we’d like to think. Unlike other birds parakeets actually drink less water per day than other…

  • Do All Parakeets Eat the Same Food?

    Do All Parakeets Eat the Same Food?

    Parakeets are one of the most popular pets to keep right now, but with a vast amount of species to choose from how do you know what to feed them? And, do all parakeets east the same food. The types of seeds and parakeet foods available on the market can be confusing. We take a…

  • Can Budgies and Cockatiels Eat the Same Food? ( Will it harm them)

    Can Budgies and Cockatiels Eat the Same Food? ( Will it harm them)

    If we conduct a popularity contest between budgie and cockatiel, it would be impossible to hail only of them as a winner. Both of these bird species are extremely popular as pet parrots. They share a lot of common traits and differences between them. But their diet in not exactly the same. Budgies and cockatiels…

  • Can Parrots Eat Pineapple | Fresh or Canned?

    Can Parrots Eat Pineapple | Fresh or Canned?

    Parrots and pineapples have a lot in common. Both are colorful, attractive, and are native to the humid and hot tropical regions of the Amazon River basin. Pineapple is an immensely tasty golden yellow and orange fruit. The short-stemmed bromeliad plant is known as Ananas in Latin. Ananas is a word that stems from the…

  • Can Parrots Eat Bananas | Is Dried or Fresh Best?

    Can Parrots Eat Bananas | Is Dried or Fresh Best?

    Bananas are a safe and popular fruit to give to your parrot or pet bird as a treat and as part of a balanced diet along with their staple seed food. This tasty treat can be given to your parrot fresh or dried. In fact, my parrot loves banana chips as a treat once in…

  • Can Parrots Eat Watermelons? Are the seeds safe!

    Can Parrots Eat Watermelons? Are the seeds safe!

    Do you know that close to 30% of your pet parrot’s daily diet should consist of vegetables and fruits? The parrot is an omnivore that feasts on both vegetation and meat in the wild. A large portion of their diet comes from fruit, nuts, flowers, seeds, insects, and buds. The pet parrot’s diet should be…

  • Can Parrots Eat Chocolate?

    Can Parrots Eat Chocolate?

    Chocolate from the cacao tree is without a doubt the world’s irresistible treat. Everyone loves chocolate confectioneries, bars, and desserts. The ancient Aztecs and Mayans adored chocolate’s blissful flavor, long before the modern day’s invention of the chocolate bar. The cacao tree is native to the lush tropical rainforests of South America, where priests, royalty,…