Category: Diet and Feeding

  • Can Hamsters Eat Popcorn? (Nutritionally Beneficial?)

    Can Hamsters Eat Popcorn? (Nutritionally Beneficial?)

    If it’s movie night and you’re indulging in your favorite snack, you might want to know if your hamster can join you, and the good news is, hamsters can eat popcorn! However, it must be plain, totally popped, with no added salt, sugar, or flavorings. If you give them plain popcorn, your hamster might actually…

  • Can Hamsters Eat Blueberries? ( Pros and Cons )

    Can Hamsters Eat Blueberries? ( Pros and Cons )

    Hamsters are major fruit enthusiasts, so it may not surprise you to learn that they both can and will happily eat blueberries. However, you should be careful not to feed your hamster too many blueberries; just one berry a couple of times a week is plenty! Like all things in life, even the good things…

  • Can Hamsters Eat Apples? ( Any risks to be aware of )

    Can Hamsters Eat Apples? ( Any risks to be aware of )

    If you’ve got a hamster or have ever looked after one, you’re probably already aware of how much they love fruit, but what about apples? Fortunately, apples are safe to feed to your hamster in small quantities, but you should always remove any pips first. Hamsters have evolved to be omnivorous, so they like both…

  • Can Hamsters Eat Grapes? ( Do they provide goodness? )

    Can Hamsters Eat Grapes? ( Do they provide goodness? )

    Hamsters are omnivores, meaning they eat both meat and plants. Grapes are a fruit that is high in sugar content, which may be harmful to your hamster. Feeding them too many grapes could lead to obesity or diabetes. If you want your hamster to stay healthy, make sure they only eat vegetables and fruits that…

  • Can Hamsters Eat Cheese? ( Benefits and Risks)

    Can Hamsters Eat Cheese? ( Benefits and Risks)

    We all know the stereotypical mouse-loves-cheese trope that populates the media, but what about hamsters? Are they equally keen. Can Hamsters Eat Cheese? The answer is that yes! Hamsters can eat (and love) cheese, but they should only be offered small quantities as a rare treat. You shouldn’t feed your hamster lots of cheese on…

  • Is My Hamster Overweight?  ( Signs to look out for )

    Is My Hamster Overweight? ( Signs to look out for )

    It might be that your pet has really fluffy fur, but this has its limits. Another possibility is that your hamster may be getting fatter. So, is my hamster overweight? ( Should he go on a diet ) The best way to know for sure is to talk to a vet, but sometimes this is…

  • Can You Overfeed a Hamster? Quantity | Portion Size | Feeding times

    Can You Overfeed a Hamster? Quantity | Portion Size | Feeding times

    When it comes to owning furry little pets, diet is one of the most important factors that you need to get right to ensure they are happy and healthy.  While it’s natural to want to ensure your hamster is always sufficiently fed as well as also allowing them the occasional treat, an important point to…

  • Can Hamsters Eat Strawberries? | Treats or to be Avoided!

    Can Hamsters Eat Strawberries? | Treats or to be Avoided!

    Most hamster lovers know well that Hamsters love fresh vegetables and fruits. In fact, there are many more foods that hamsters tolerate, others they adore, and some they need to avoid. If your main goal is to give long life to your hamster then it is essential to know all of its eating habits. Here…

  • Can hamsters eat lettuce? Are all types of lettuce suitable

    Can hamsters eat lettuce? Are all types of lettuce suitable

    Many people like to occasionally give their pet a treat. This can be a well-prepared salad or any type of vegetable. If you own a hamster, I know you have always had this question; can hamsters eat lettuce? Though hamsters eat lettuce, a common misconception among people is that lettuce can be toxic. But is…

  • Can Hamsters eat bread?

    Can Hamsters eat bread?

    Hamsters are picky rodents; they eat with pleasure what the owner gives them. They like to gnaw dried bread to sharpen their teeth. Fresh white bread is delicious, brown has a pleasant acidity, cookies are sweet and attractive, and pasta is a great lunch option. But despite the hamster’s taste and preferences, it’s important to…

  • Hamster Diet: What can Syrian hamsters eat?

    Hamster Diet: What can Syrian hamsters eat?

    Are you curious about the hamster diet and food preferences? If you have a Syrian hamster, you might be asking What can Syrian hamsters eat? Those cute little hamsters will eat anything, however, not all foods are suitable for Syrian hamsters. In this article, we will cover what Syrian hamsters should and shouldn’t eat and how…

  • Can Hamsters Eat Fruit? (Which Ones To Avoid)

    Can Hamsters Eat Fruit? (Which Ones To Avoid)

    Few things are cuter than a hamster who has just begun munching on his food. But can hamsters eat fruit? An interesting question, which we address here. They definitely can but not every single fruit. In fact, there are some fruits that your hamster is probably better off avoiding. Many fruits contain too much natural…