Category: Hamsters

  • Can Hamsters eat bread?

    Can Hamsters eat bread?

    Hamsters are picky rodents; they eat with pleasure what the owner gives them. They like to gnaw dried bread to sharpen their teeth. Fresh white bread is delicious, brown has a pleasant acidity, cookies are sweet and attractive, and pasta is a great lunch option. But despite the hamster’s taste and preferences, it’s important to…

  • How Long Can A Hamster Go Without Food and Water?

    How Long Can A Hamster Go Without Food and Water?

    Hamsters are not any more capable of going without food and water than your average animal, contrary to popular belief. They can only go 1-3 days total. When forced to go without, they will quickly become distressed, and then sick. Actually, hamsters are fairly active and need plenty of sustenance, and water, as fuel. Deprived…

  • Hamster Diet: What can Syrian hamsters eat?

    Hamster Diet: What can Syrian hamsters eat?

    Are you curious about the hamster diet and food preferences? If you have a Syrian hamster, you might be asking What can Syrian hamsters eat? Those cute little hamsters will eat anything, however, not all foods are suitable for Syrian hamsters. In this article, we will cover what Syrian hamsters should and shouldn’t eat and how…

  • Can Hamsters See In The Dark?

    Can Hamsters See In The Dark?

    You have probably noticed that your pet hamster is most active at nighttime. Indeed, hamsters are nocturnal. But, Can Hamsters See In The Dark? Some animals are blind, like the vole, and nocturnal. As a matter of fact, hamsters can see in the dark… just not particularly well. They see best with lighting that is…

  • Do Hamsters Like Music? Hamster Playlists & Music They Love!

    Do Hamsters Like Music? Hamster Playlists & Music They Love!

    Despite their size, hamsters can be intelligent, sociable little fellows. They are highly alert, and reactive to noise and stimuli. As a matter of fact, music is something that hamsters tend to like! Just make sure that the volume is suitably low. You will want to take the genre into consideration as well. Some have…

  • Can Hamsters Vomit? Fact vs Myth | Find out why!

    Can Hamsters Vomit? Fact vs Myth | Find out why!

    Most animals vomit in order to get a toxin or blockage out of their system. In these cases, vomiting can prove very helpful. Ejecting a poisonous food before it can fully absorb, for example. Or assisting a cat with a lodged hairball.  Can hamsters vomit? Hamsters are incapable of vomiting, unfortunately. This means the consequences…

  • Can Hamsters Swim? Or Should You Keep Them Away From Water?

    Can Hamsters Swim? Or Should You Keep Them Away From Water?

    Hamsters are capable of swimming, but they do not enjoy it. Getting wet can even cause them serious distress and even hurt their health. In water, a hamster can keep itself afloat, but it will be in a state of desperation and fear. Getting a hamster wet is both unkind and a serious health risk.…

  • Teddy Bear Hamsters | 21 Amazing Hamster Facts!

    Teddy Bear Hamsters | 21 Amazing Hamster Facts!

    Hamsters are some of the cutest animals out there, and they make lovely pets. Teddy Bear Hamsters are a long-haired, fluffy breed. They are so-named for their distinctive teddy bear-like appearance. The Teddy Bear Hamster is happy to bond with their people. They are expressive, playful, and all-around delightful fellows. They have lots of unique…

  • 10 Things You Didn’t Know About Hamsters: #4 Is Interesting!

    10 Things You Didn’t Know About Hamsters: #4 Is Interesting!

    You may be surprised to know a few things about hamsters. We have all seen them, either at pet stores or at friends’ homes. They are cute, certainly, but we don’t know much else about them. In fact, hamsters have some very unique features to offer as pets. To learn 10 things you didn’t know…

  • Can Hamsters Eat Fruit? (Which Ones To Avoid)

    Can Hamsters Eat Fruit? (Which Ones To Avoid)

    Few things are cuter than a hamster who has just begun munching on his food. But can hamsters eat fruit? An interesting question, which we address here. They definitely can but not every single fruit. In fact, there are some fruits that your hamster is probably better off avoiding. Many fruits contain too much natural…

  • Can Hamsters Eat Sprouts? How Many Sprouts and How Often!

    Can Hamsters Eat Sprouts? How Many Sprouts and How Often!

    Sprouts are indeed something that hamsters can eat safely. In fact, sprouts have a few benefits for the little guys. Hamsters can eat a variety of fresh produce, veggies and fruits alike. But can hamsters eat sprouts? Can hamsters eat sprouts? Sprouts are great for hamsters nutritionally. Hamsters absorb a portion of their water from…

  • Can Hamsters Eat Nectarines? Plus 11 Safe Fruits To Feed Your Hamster

    Can Hamsters Eat Nectarines? Plus 11 Safe Fruits To Feed Your Hamster

    Hamsters are technically omnivores, but their great love is for greens and fresh produce. But can hamsters eat nectarines? Hamsters can eat many different kinds of veggies and fruits with little issue. It is actually recommended that hamsters eat veggies and fruit weekly. The key is serving size.  Can hamsters eat nectarines? Nectarines are one…