Category: Pet Hamsters

Learn more about hamsters. how to care for them and what you’ll need to keep them happy and healthy.

  • Do Hamsters Like Music? Hamster Playlists & Music They Love!

    Do Hamsters Like Music? Hamster Playlists & Music They Love!

    Despite their size, hamsters can be intelligent, sociable little fellows. They are highly alert, and reactive to noise and stimuli. As a matter of fact, music is something that hamsters tend to like! Just make sure that the volume is suitably low. You will want to take the genre into consideration as well. Some have…

  • Can Hamsters Vomit? Fact vs Myth | Find out why!

    Can Hamsters Vomit? Fact vs Myth | Find out why!

    Most animals vomit in order to get a toxin or blockage out of their system. In these cases, vomiting can prove very helpful. Ejecting a poisonous food before it can fully absorb, for example. Or assisting a cat with a lodged hairball.  Can hamsters vomit? Hamsters are incapable of vomiting, unfortunately. This means the consequences…

  • Teddy Bear Hamsters | 21 Amazing Hamster Facts!

    Teddy Bear Hamsters | 21 Amazing Hamster Facts!

    Hamsters are some of the cutest animals out there, and they make lovely pets. Teddy Bear Hamsters are a long-haired, fluffy breed. They are so-named for their distinctive teddy bear-like appearance. The Teddy Bear Hamster is happy to bond with their people. They are expressive, playful, and all-around delightful fellows. They have lots of unique…

  • 10 Things You Didn’t Know About Hamsters: #4 Is Interesting!

    10 Things You Didn’t Know About Hamsters: #4 Is Interesting!

    You may be surprised to know a few things about hamsters. We have all seen them, either at pet stores or at friends’ homes. They are cute, certainly, but we don’t know much else about them. In fact, hamsters have some very unique features to offer as pets. To learn 10 things you didn’t know…

  • Child Friendly Hamsters: Top 3 Hamsters For Kids

    Child Friendly Hamsters: Top 3 Hamsters For Kids

    You may be surprised to learn that there are more than twenty breeds hamster in the world today. However, not all of them are kept as pets and not all of them are child friendly hamsters. This is because, just like many pets we keep, hamsters can vary greatly from breed to breed in size,…

  • How To Hold A Hamster That Bites. Safely Hold Your Hamster

    How To Hold A Hamster That Bites. Safely Hold Your Hamster

    When you picked a hamster as a pet you probably envisaged a little furry friend scurrying around in his cage and sitting happily in your hands whilst you pet them. However, what you’ve got, if you are reading this, is a situation that isn’t quite as pleasant. You have a hamster that bites you when…

  • Why is it illegal to own a hamster in Hawaii? Read why here!

    Why is it illegal to own a hamster in Hawaii? Read why here!

    Hawaii has to be one of the most beautiful places in the world and the people are very friendly. So, why is it illegal to own a Hamster in Hawaii? Did you know that Hamsters and some other small animals are actually banned from entering the island of Hawaii? It’s true! It seems strange that…

  • Why Is My Hamster Biting Me? Tips To Stop Them Biting

    Why Is My Hamster Biting Me? Tips To Stop Them Biting

    Hamsters love affection from their human owners. In fact, it could even be said that they thrive on it, and hence require it. After all, living in a cage must get pretty boring for your furry friend and what could be more exciting and fulfilling than time spent with you outside of it. Be it…

  • Can Hamsters Live Together In The Same Cage?

    Can Hamsters Live Together In The Same Cage?

    Hamsters are the perfect pet for people of all ages. They are a whole lot of fun, can teach children the responsibilities involved in keeping a pet, and make fabulous companions. As they live in a cage, they are also ideal for those whose living space is limited. But what if you fall in love…