Category: Latest Pet Blogs

  • How to transport backyard chickens ( Safely )

    How to transport backyard chickens ( Safely )

    Transporting your backyard chickens is not a task that owners look forward to, but with the right approach and some helpful strategies you can be road-tripping with your feathered friends in total comfort. In this short article, we will run through how to transport backyard chickens safely with all the tips and tricks need to…

  • How long do Backyard Chickens live? ( Chicken Lifespan )

    How long do Backyard Chickens live? ( Chicken Lifespan )

    When you buy some backyard hens it is important to know exactly what you are getting into. Just like buying a cat, dog, or other pet, owning backyard chickens requires commitment especially as chickens can be remarkably long-lived. The life expectancy of backyard hens If you are wondering “how long do backyard chickens live?”, you…

  • Is My Bird Suffering From A Bird Cough?

    Is My Bird Suffering From A Bird Cough?

    Birds tend to hide it when they are sick. So you’d be right to worry if your bird was coughing. Thankfully, if a bird is coughing, it doesn’t always mean there’s something wrong. There are many reasons why birds would cough. Let’s explore some of the main reasons why birds cough so you can figure…

  • How Big Should A Rabbit Cage Be? ( Size and Dimensions )

    How Big Should A Rabbit Cage Be? ( Size and Dimensions )

    In days gone by, people kept rabbits in a small hutch in the garden and only allowed them out to exercise during the day when it suited the owner. However, we now realize, that keeping rabbits locked in a small environment can be detrimental to their physical and mental well-being. A rabbit cage should be…

  • What do ferrets eat in the wild?

    What do ferrets eat in the wild?

    It can be hard to recognize a steely and ruthlessly efficient predator when you look at your pet ferret, but your mischievous and playful furry friend is not so far removed from its wild relatives. A key area in which ferrets retain the need to exercise their natural and authentic behaviors is their diet.  Having…

  • Can ferrets be house trained?

    Can ferrets be house trained?

    If you have just joined the ranks of the millions of pet ferret owners in the United States, we’re sure you are excited to welcome your very own cheeky and furry friend to their new home.  Ferrets are full of personality, but there is no escaping the fact that they are still wild animals at…

  • Backyard chickens vs ducks? ( Key Comparisons )

    Backyard chickens vs ducks? ( Key Comparisons )

    Chickens versus ducks for your backyard – which way to go? An aspiring domestic poultry owner has literally hundreds of species of chicken, ducks, and other fowl to choose from. One of the early decisions to make if you are set on keeping a flock of your own is whether chickens or ducks will be…

  • Budgies fighting or playing? ( Key signs )

    Budgies fighting or playing? ( Key signs )

    If it is getting a little too noisy in the cage, you may be wondering whether those squawks and flapping are a healthy thing. It’s important to understand your budgerigar behavior and knowing whether the budgies are playing or fighting makes all the difference in meeting their needs. In this short article, we will take…

  • Raising and Caring for Young Guinea Pigs

    Raising and Caring for Young Guinea Pigs

    You may have already been taking care of an adult guinea pig. That experience will come in handy, but you will need to learn to care for pups.  Just like you would care for human babies, you need to give special care and attention to the pups so that they not only survive but thrive.  …

  • Are mirrors bad for parrots? ( Yes, I’ll explain )

    Are mirrors bad for parrots? ( Yes, I’ll explain )

    In case you were wondering, mirrors and parrots are not a good mix! You may have observed your parrot sneaking a peek at their reflection in a shiny toaster or other reflective surfaces in your home. But do not allow yourself to be tempted to feed this newfound interest on behalf of your bird. Parrots…

  • Can a parrot bite your finger off?

    Can a parrot bite your finger off?

    Losing a finger to a parrot bite is just about as harrowing as it can get and if you own or interact with parrots you need to be on your guard. A parrot’s beak is powerful and capable of inflicting a nasty bite. Remember the same jaws can crush large tropical nuts with a powerful…

  • Guinea Pig Worms or Mites (Spot the Difference and Treat)

    Guinea Pig Worms or Mites (Spot the Difference and Treat)

    When looking after a Guinea Pig, one of the most frustrating things that can happen is that your pet gets infected with a parasite, causing stress for both you and your animal. So, it is important to be in the know in all the ways that you can spot a potential parasite in your Guinea…