Category: Latest Pet Blogs

  • How To Hold A Hamster That Bites. Safely Hold Your Hamster

    How To Hold A Hamster That Bites. Safely Hold Your Hamster

    When you picked a hamster as a pet you probably envisaged a little furry friend scurrying around in his cage and sitting happily in your hands whilst you pet them. However, what you’ve got, if you are reading this, is a situation that isn’t quite as pleasant. You have a hamster that bites you when…

  • Why is it illegal to own a hamster in Hawaii? Read why here!

    Why is it illegal to own a hamster in Hawaii? Read why here!

    Hawaii has to be one of the most beautiful places in the world and the people are very friendly. So, why is it illegal to own a Hamster in Hawaii? Did you know that Hamsters and some other small animals are actually banned from entering the island of Hawaii? It’s true! It seems strange that…

  • How Long Do Mini Lops Live For? Life Expectancy | Lifespan

    How Long Do Mini Lops Live For? Life Expectancy | Lifespan

    As rabbit breeds go, the mini lop has to be one of the cutest and adorable around. They are, after all, amazingly small, delectably pudgy, and have the most incredibly long furry ears that loll to both sides of their head. Personality wise, the mini lop is exceptionally friendly and playful, making them the ideal…

  • Do Gerbils Like To Be Held? Tips On How To Hold Your Gerbil Safely

    Do Gerbils Like To Be Held? Tips On How To Hold Your Gerbil Safely

    The majority of people who get a pet choose ones that they can interact with in some way. For most, this means a pet that they can pick up, stroke, cuddle, and even play with, a pet that they can befriend. Gerbils are an excellent choice of pet and enjoy being held. They love to…

  • Why Do Rabbits Eat Their Young? 3 Ways To Prevent It

    Why Do Rabbits Eat Their Young? 3 Ways To Prevent It

    With an average gestation period of around just one month, the average rabbit doe can hypothetically give birth up to 12 times a year; with each litter consisting of anywhere from 1 to 14 baby bunnies. So, why do rabbits eat their young? Despite their cute and innocent facade, however, there’s an interesting, but quite…

  • What Color Are Rabbits Eyes? Are They All The Same?

    What Color Are Rabbits Eyes? Are They All The Same?

    Many people, when asked, will say something along the lines of, “Like car headlights”, “Monster eyes!” or just simply, “Uh, red?” But little do they know that rabbit eyes are actually some of the most interesting things about these furry creatures. There are a lot more varieties of rabbits eyes than you may think. Brown…

  • Can Guinea Pigs And Rabbits Live Together?

    Can Guinea Pigs And Rabbits Live Together?

    If you’ve ever had both of these cute and cuddly creatures at the same time, you’ll know just how tempting it is to make guinea pigs and rabbits live together in the same housing. After all, they’re both furry creatures, they look like a miniature and a giant version of one another, respectively, and they…

  • Do Mice Live Alone? Are Mice Happy To Live Alone?

    Do Mice Live Alone? Are Mice Happy To Live Alone?

    For many people the question ‘do mice live alone?’ will probably be one that they just wouldn’t ask. After all, mice are thought of by many as nothing more than vermin that they’d rather not think about at all. This isn’t, however, the case for everyone as mice have become a rather popular pet. Fancy…

  • Why Is My Hamster Biting Me? Tips To Stop Them Biting

    Why Is My Hamster Biting Me? Tips To Stop Them Biting

    Hamsters love affection from their human owners. In fact, it could even be said that they thrive on it, and hence require it. After all, living in a cage must get pretty boring for your furry friend and what could be more exciting and fulfilling than time spent with you outside of it. Be it…

  • Do Gerbils Smell? Easy Steps You Can Take To Stop Them Smelling

    Do Gerbils Smell? Easy Steps You Can Take To Stop Them Smelling

    When it comes to keeping gerbils as pets many people are put off by the possibility that they will smell bad. After all, gerbils live in cages where they defecate and urinate, so it’s got to stink, right? Well, as usual, there is no simple yes or no answer, although it can be stated that of…

  • Do Mice Have a Good Sense of Smell?

    Do Mice Have a Good Sense of Smell?

    If you have ever seen or kept a mouse, you may have noticed that they seem to spend an awful lot of their time sniffing at their surroundings. Be it on their hind legs whilst twitching their whiskers, or just roaming around in their cages, their nose is always active. To those observing mice, all…