Category: Diet and Feeding

  • Can Rabbits Eat Spinach? | How Much | How Often | Benefits

    Can Rabbits Eat Spinach? | How Much | How Often | Benefits

    Spinach is a leafy green that few rabbits would say ‘no’ to. It may seem to be a fine and natural thing to feed to your bunny. But can rabbits eat spinach without any consequences? Rabbits can indeed eat spinach. There is a catch, though, spinach contains high amounts of oxalates. These are toxins that…

  • Can Pet Rabbits Eat Apples – Good Treats For Rabbits?

    Can Pet Rabbits Eat Apples – Good Treats For Rabbits?

    Rabbits can eat a variety of plants and produce. However, it is very important to remove any pits and seeds. These can cause rabbits to choke, and many even contain poisonous compounds. Today’s question is ‘Can Pet Rabbits Eat Apples?’….. Let’s find out! Can rabbits eat apples? Apple seeds contain arsenic. So, while yes, rabbits…

  • Complete Diet Guide For Rabbits

    Complete Diet Guide For Rabbits

    Rabbits are relatively low-maintenance pets. They are friendly when they are happy, and a healthy, well-adjusted rabbit will be glad to socialize. Rabbits are also independent creatures. They are bright and alert and can entertain themselves easily. In this article, we address the question ‘What do rabbits eat and drink?’. What do rabbits eat and drink?…

  • Which Foods are Toxic to Rabbits? 10 Foods You Should Avoid

    Which Foods are Toxic to Rabbits? 10 Foods You Should Avoid

    Rabbits require fiber above all else as their primary food source. Rabbits even have a special organ called a “cecum”, which allows them to digest fiber effectively. The cecum utilizes bacteria and yeast to ferment fibrous materials. Finally, these materials are excreted in what are called cecotropes, from which rabbits absorb vitamins and fats.  This…