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  • Can Rabbits Eat Spinach? | How Much | How Often | Benefits

    Can Rabbits Eat Spinach? | How Much | How Often | Benefits

    Spinach is a leafy green that few rabbits would say ‘no’ to. It may seem to be a fine and natural thing to feed to your bunny. But can rabbits eat spinach without any consequences? Rabbits can indeed eat spinach. There is a catch, though, spinach contains high amounts of oxalates. These are toxins that…

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  • Can Mice Drink From A Bowl? Should They Use A Bottle

    Can Mice Drink From A Bowl? Should They Use A Bottle

    Some larger animals, like cats and dogs, can use a water bowl effectively. When it comes to small animals, like mice, this is not so often the case. In fact, can mice drink from a bowl? Yes, But mice should not drink from a bowl, ideally.  Mice absorb water from their food and therefore don’t…

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  • Can Hamsters Eat Sprouts? How Many Sprouts and How Often!

    Can Hamsters Eat Sprouts? How Many Sprouts and How Often!

    Sprouts are indeed something that hamsters can eat safely. In fact, sprouts have a few benefits for the little guys. Hamsters can eat a variety of fresh produce, veggies and fruits alike. But can hamsters eat sprouts? Can hamsters eat sprouts? Sprouts are great for hamsters nutritionally. Hamsters absorb a portion of their water from…

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  • Can Hamsters Eat Nectarines? Plus 11 Safe Fruits To Feed Your Hamster

    Can Hamsters Eat Nectarines? Plus 11 Safe Fruits To Feed Your Hamster

    Hamsters are technically omnivores, but their great love is for greens and fresh produce. But can hamsters eat nectarines? Hamsters can eat many different kinds of veggies and fruits with little issue. It is actually recommended that hamsters eat veggies and fruit weekly. The key is serving size.  Can hamsters eat nectarines? Nectarines are one…

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  • Best Airtight Pet Food Storage Container Review 2023

    Best Airtight Pet Food Storage Container Review 2023

    Keeping pets isn’t cheap and pet food prices have risen over the past few years. So, ensuring the pet food you buy stays fresh for longer we suggest using an Airtight Pet Food Storage Container. Most pet food, as you will know, has a strong odor and can attract insects and flies. These will quickly…

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  • What Do Mice Need In Their Cage? 5 Things Mice Needs

    What Do Mice Need In Their Cage? 5 Things Mice Needs

    Mice are tiny animals with a lot of personality. Some may be uncomfortable with the idea of mice, due to their association with wild mice, as pests.  Pet mice are actually a different breed altogether; one created for both beauty and their sociable, docile nature. These are aptly named Fancy Mice. While wild mice tend…

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  • Can Dwarf Hamsters Eat Bananas? Plus 7 Safe Foods For Dwarf Hamsters

    Can Dwarf Hamsters Eat Bananas? Plus 7 Safe Foods For Dwarf Hamsters

    Perhaps when you eat a banana, your Dwarf Hamster begs for a piece. Or maybe you are just curious: can Dwarf Hamsters eat bananas? In fact, bananas are not toxic to Dwarf Hamsters. So, yes, bananas are something a hamster can consume.  Can dwarf hamsters eat bananas? Bananas contain vitamin B and C which Hamsters…

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  • Can Pet Rabbits Eat Apples – Good Treats For Rabbits?

    Can Pet Rabbits Eat Apples – Good Treats For Rabbits?

    Rabbits can eat a variety of plants and produce. However, it is very important to remove any pits and seeds. These can cause rabbits to choke, and many even contain poisonous compounds. Today’s question is ‘Can Pet Rabbits Eat Apples?’….. Let’s find out! Can rabbits eat apples? Apple seeds contain arsenic. So, while yes, rabbits…

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