Tag: care guide

  • Sheltie Guinea Pigs | Diet | Size | Breeding | Housing | Care Guide

    Sheltie Guinea Pigs | Diet | Size | Breeding | Housing | Care Guide

    The Sheltie Guinea Pig is best-known for its coat, which is long and luxurious. In fact, Sheltie Guinea Pigs are also known as ‘Silkies,’ in reference to this striking feature. The fur of the Sheltie Guinea Pig is downright plush to the touch.  It is no wonder then, that so many have sought to make…

  • Himalayan Guinea Pig: Diet | Size | Breeding | Housing | Care Guide

    Himalayan Guinea Pig: Diet | Size | Breeding | Housing | Care Guide

    Himalayan Guinea Pigs are an albino guinea pig variety. The fuzzy little creature is born with red eyes, and fur that is uniformly white. As they age, Himalayan Guinea Pigs develop dark coloring around their eyes, on their paws, and on their noses. These are called points. This is similar to what Siamese cats experience. …