Tag: happy guinea pig

  • How To Get Your Guinea Pig To Love You: 7 Easy Steps

    How To Get Your Guinea Pig To Love You: 7 Easy Steps

    We all love our little critters – that’s why we take care of them, after all. But unfortunately, not all guinea pigs are affectionate towards their owners. In this article, we discuss how to get your guinea pig to love you. How to get your guinea pig to love you: You can get your guinea…

  • How Do You Know if A Guinea Pig is Happy? 5 Tell-Tail Signs

    How Do You Know if A Guinea Pig is Happy? 5 Tell-Tail Signs

    Despite their small size, guinea pigs can be complex creatures. This is because they are extremely sociable. Even in the wild, guinea pigs travel in herds. Guinea pigs are also largely docile. Aside from a few disputes on the part of males over females, guinea pigs tend to get along swimmingly. But how can you tell…