Tag: tomatoes

  • Can chickens eat tomatoes | Tasty Treat or Staple diet?

    Can chickens eat tomatoes | Tasty Treat or Staple diet?

    You’ve likely noticed that chickens are notaries for eating just about anything you give them, or more commonly, anything they happen to find for themselves and tomatoes are something that many wonder whether or not chickens can eat due to the fact that they are part of the ‘nightshade’ family.  As omnivores and foragers, chickens…

  • Can guinea pigs eat tomatoes? Benefits & Risks

    Can guinea pigs eat tomatoes? Benefits & Risks

    Tomatoes are vegetables full of many valuable vitamins and minerals. There are endless recipes for tomato dishes, and it’s no wonder that they are some of the most beloved vegetables in the world. But what about giving to your lovely guinea pigs? Can guinea pigs eat them?  Guinea Pigs can eat tomatoes as long as…