Category: Blogs

Everything you need to know about caring for pet gerbils. Learn more about these wonderful pets.

  • Where do Gerbils Come From?

    Where do Gerbils Come From?

    It’s pretty interesting learning about how your pets became a domesticated animal that was once only a wild animal. We’re all familiar with the idea that household dogs are domesticated wolves, but where do gerbils come from? Gerbils originated in Asia and Africa. The most popular gerbil was found in a steppe in Mongolia, was…

  • Why Do Gerbils Thump Their Feet?

    Why Do Gerbils Thump Their Feet?

    It can be pretty scary watching your gerbil stand on their back legs and make loud sounds when they jump. It can get scarier when the entire cage starts doing it, but you don’t understand why. Why do gerbils thump their feet? The main reason gerbils thump their feet is to warn other gerbils about…

  • Do Gerbils Need A Wheel? ( Read before buying one )

    Do Gerbils Need A Wheel? ( Read before buying one )

    Setting up an enclosure for a new pet is exciting! You probably already know the basics; food dish, water bottle, bedding, and shelters, but what about a wheel? Do gerbils need a wheel? Yes, gerbils need a lot of exercise, and a wheel is an easy way to get them active. It’s important to buy…

  • Gerbil Size vs Hamster Size ( List of Rodent Sizes )

    Gerbil Size vs Hamster Size ( List of Rodent Sizes )

    Knowing the size of a pet is a very important piece of information before you adopt a new friend. So many people buy dogs based on a size that suits their lifestyle, but what about on a smaller scale? What is the size difference between a hamster and a gerbil? Hamsters, in general, are larger…

  • Gerbil vs Mouse: Which is the Best Pet?

    Gerbil vs Mouse: Which is the Best Pet?

    Choosing the right pet is hard, and it becomes a harder choice when you aren’t sure what the difference is between animals. Gerbils and mice, for example, seem like they’d be the same sort of pet. Here we’ll help you decide which is the best pet, a gerbil or a mouse? It’s not an answer…

  • How Much Do Gerbils Cost? ( Complete breakdown )

    How Much Do Gerbils Cost? ( Complete breakdown )

    Gerbils are relatively cheap pets. Even with all of their shelters, bedding,  toys, and food they are still much cheaper than a dog, cat, bird, or serpent. Well, how much do gerbils cost? Gerbils themselves cost between $5 and $40 each. The initial cost for everything you need can be anywhere from $200 to $250,…

  • Common Gerbil Allergy Symptoms

    Common Gerbil Allergy Symptoms

    Keeping your pet gerbils healthy and safe is the number one responsibility you have as a pet owner. Knowing what symptoms to look for is a great place to start. What are the common gerbil allergy symptoms? Gerbils have allergies just like humans. Signs of allergies can include a runny nose, coughing, and sneezing. While…

  • Can Rabbits Eat Dried Cranberries? ( High acid levels )

    Can Rabbits Eat Dried Cranberries? ( High acid levels )

    One of the great things about being a rabbit owner is that you have something of a little vacuum cleaner for all your leftover fruits and veggies. Rabbits are herbivores and love to get their teeth into a variety of plant-based foods. While their diet should consist mainly of hay, offering them a treat of…

  • Why Do My Rabbit’s Teeth Chatter When I Stroke It?

    Why Do My Rabbit’s Teeth Chatter When I Stroke It?

    As rabbit owners, it is important to understand the things that you pet is trying to tell you through it’s subtle body language. The thing about rabbits is that they cannot communicate in the way that other animals, like dogs can. But once you get to know your bunny, you will learn to understand how…

  • Can Rabbits Drink Almond Milk?

    Can Rabbits Drink Almond Milk?

    For humans that cannot or do not wish to drink cow’s milk, almond milk is a great substitute. It is vegan friendly and very sweet. Since rabbits are herbivores, you might think that this vegetarian option is a good drink to offer your bunny as a treat; but can rabbits drink almond milk? Rabbits have…

  • What is a Group of Ferrets Called?

    What is a Group of Ferrets Called?

    Fittingly, a group of ferrets is called a business. This is because they are so very busy, hunting, playing, or exploring new territory. Ferrets are very inquisitive and fun-loving animals, and they make lovely pets. They prefer companions and should live in a pair (or more). Are Ferrets Sociable With Each Other? Ferrets are extremely…