Category: Latest Pet Blogs

  • How Many Teeth Do Guinea Pigs Have?

    How Many Teeth Do Guinea Pigs Have?

    Part of being a responsible pet owner is to care for all aspects of your pet’s health and welfare. Dental care for Guinea pigs is one area you’ll need to keep a close eye on to avoid illness and large vet bills. Many new Guinea pig owners are unaware of the responsibility and care they’ll…

  • Do Chickens Need Water at Night ( Advantages | Disadvantages)

    Do Chickens Need Water at Night ( Advantages | Disadvantages)

    Raising chickens differs from raising cats and dogs. Many will find the thought of keeping backyard chickens absurd, but only those who do it know that it is an incredibly rewarding experience. While it’s quite an easy feat, there are often opposing views about what’s right or wrong. Whether it’s the extent of lighting or…

  • Do Guinea Pigs Get Cold? How Cold Is Too Cold?

    Do Guinea Pigs Get Cold? How Cold Is Too Cold?

    Have you ever wondered, do guinea pigs get cold? They do. These animals can act pretty tough sometimes, despite the fact they are so small. Their attitude is deceptive! Actually, guinea pigs get cold about as easily as you or I. If you are cold, your guinea pig is probably a bit chilly as well.…

  • Can Guinea Pigs Eat Meat? Facts & Risks

    Can Guinea Pigs Eat Meat? Facts & Risks

    So, can eat guinea pigs eat meat? The answer, long or short, is no. In fact, guinea pigs are what are known as obligate herbivores. This means that they eat veggies, fruits, grasses, and greens only, and have no choice in the matter. Were you to feed your guinea pig any kind of meat, they…

  • Can rabbits eat bananas? Good or Bad for them!

    Can rabbits eat bananas? Good or Bad for them!

    There is no doubt that one of the most popular fruits in the world is banana. Besides having a special sweetness and exquisite taste, it is a fruit that brings many benefits to both humans and animals. Many rabbit owners may however wonder whether bananas can be included in their pet’s diet. Whatever rabbits eat…

  • Can rabbits eat celery? Give celery to bunnies or not!

    Can rabbits eat celery? Give celery to bunnies or not!

    Are you considering introducing celery into your rabbit’s diet? Great. Remember that whenever a vegetable or new food is given to an animal, it is good to offer it in isolation to know if it is good for it or if it has an allergic reaction. Today I am going to tell you whether celery…

  • Do Guinea Pigs Shed? Stop Shedding Fast!

    Do Guinea Pigs Shed? Stop Shedding Fast!

    Guinea pigs make for some truly lovely pets, with their cute faces, and their thick, pretty hair. You may wonder, looking at all of that hair… do guinea pigs shed? They do, as a matter of fact. However, no more than normal for any animal with hair or fur. The exception is when they are…

  • Do pet mice smell? Control Odor in a mouse cage

    Do pet mice smell? Control Odor in a mouse cage

    As a first-time pet owner, learning your pet’s habits can be an uphill task. Whether you are a cat parent or you keep a dog, pet care is a learning curve. Some pet owners deal with excess fur while others have to deal with pungent smells. Pet mice are big culprits when it comes to…

  • Do Chickens Eat Their Own Eggs? Why? What does it Mean?

    Do Chickens Eat Their Own Eggs? Why? What does it Mean?

    Scientists have successfully decoded the mystery of ‘Which came first – the chicken or the egg?” riddle. The answer is an egg! But there’s an equally puzzling question that has intrigued and frustrated poultry farmers and ‘chicken enthusiasts’ for a long time. And that is: Do chickens eat their own eggs? Isn’t that just cannibalism?…

  • Can rabbits eat popcorn? Treat or Harmful

    Can rabbits eat popcorn? Treat or Harmful

    Popcorn is a popular snack known for its rich in fiber, low in calories, and contain more iron than spinach, eggs, and even peanuts. But if you have a rabbit as a pet, you may find yourself in a dilemma. When your pet sees the delicious snack in your lap, it may suggestively look at you that…

  • Can guinea pigs eat tomatoes? Benefits & Risks

    Can guinea pigs eat tomatoes? Benefits & Risks

    Tomatoes are vegetables full of many valuable vitamins and minerals. There are endless recipes for tomato dishes, and it’s no wonder that they are some of the most beloved vegetables in the world. But what about giving to your lovely guinea pigs? Can guinea pigs eat them?  Guinea Pigs can eat tomatoes as long as…

  • How To Keep A Rabbit Cage From Smelling ( Bedding & Cleaning)

    How To Keep A Rabbit Cage From Smelling ( Bedding & Cleaning)

    You have probably smelled a rabbit cage before. It’s true, they can develop a bit of an odor. Fortunately, when it comes to how to keep a rabbit cage from smelling, there are just a few things you will need to consider. You can even potentially make it easier for yourself, by teaching your rabbit…