Category: Rabbits

  • Can Pet Rabbits Eat Apples – Good Treats For Rabbits?

    Can Pet Rabbits Eat Apples – Good Treats For Rabbits?

    Rabbits can eat a variety of plants and produce. However, it is very important to remove any pits and seeds. These can cause rabbits to choke, and many even contain poisonous compounds. Today’s question is ‘Can Pet Rabbits Eat Apples?’….. Let’s find out! Can rabbits eat apples? Apple seeds contain arsenic. So, while yes, rabbits…

  • 7 Pet Rabbit Breeds That Stay Small | Cute And Small Rabbit Breeds

    7 Pet Rabbit Breeds That Stay Small | Cute And Small Rabbit Breeds

    There are over 300+ rabbit breeds known worldwide. Some of these rabbit breeds stay small and cute for their entire life. These cute pet rabbits are a firm favorite with children and rabbit owners. Many of these small rabbits featured in another blog we wrote called the 11 Cutest Pet Rabbits and it’s no wonder.…

  • Are Rabbits Scared Of The Dark?

    Are Rabbits Scared Of The Dark?

    Bunny rabbits may be adorable, but are they scared of the dark? They’re also some of the most vulnerable animals out there. In the wild, they’re often considered as prey by bigger carnivores like lions and tigers. In a domesticated setting, however, rabbits are seen as easily scared or surprised, even though there are no…

  • Cutest Pet Rabbits | Which Are The Cutest Bunny Breeds In The World?

    Cutest Pet Rabbits | Which Are The Cutest Bunny Breeds In The World?

    We love all rabbit breeds but it has to be said some are simply too cute for words. In this article, we’ll show you 11 Cute Rabbit Breeds which are perfect as pets and are the cutest pet rabbits. There are many different breeds of rabbits which come in all shapes, sizes and colors. Many…

  • Do Rabbits Recognize Their Name? ( Mine has a cute name )

    Do Rabbits Recognize Their Name? ( Mine has a cute name )

    Rabbits are well-known for being cute and cuddly pets at home. Many pet owners are under the impression that unlike dogs and even cats, rabbits are just happy enough to be left alone on their own. However, it’s not true. In fact, you can even call your rabbit by its own name and see how…

  • Do Rabbits Get Depressed? 7 Common Reasons Why

    Do Rabbits Get Depressed? 7 Common Reasons Why

    Rabbits are an incredibly special pet. They build bonds with their owners and bring a lot of happiness. This is not just due to their ever so cute appearance, but also because of their amusing and friendly temperaments. Rabbits are always full of joy and fill us with it too. However, we explore here, the…

  • Can Rabbits See In The dark? Vision | Eyesight | Bunnies Sight

    Can Rabbits See In The dark? Vision | Eyesight | Bunnies Sight

    When it comes to our five senses, animals certainly are the superior ones. Even rabbits, which may seem so cute and cuddly when they’re inside our homes, turn into smart and skillful animals. This is especially so when outside in the wild where they need all their senses to stay alive and avoid predators. Rabbits…

  • Complete Diet Guide For Rabbits

    Complete Diet Guide For Rabbits

    Rabbits are relatively low-maintenance pets. They are friendly when they are happy, and a healthy, well-adjusted rabbit will be glad to socialize. Rabbits are also independent creatures. They are bright and alert and can entertain themselves easily. In this article, we address the question ‘What do rabbits eat and drink?’. What do rabbits eat and drink?…

  • Keeping Pet Rabbits for Beginners

    Keeping Pet Rabbits for Beginners

    Rabbits are very cute and cuddly animals but come with lots of care and responsibility. Rabbits are a big commitment to keep and are very curious animals that are always getting into trouble.    This keeping pet rabbits guide will tell you everything you need to know to care for your bunny and how to keep…

  • How Long Do Mini Lops Live For? Life Expectancy | Lifespan

    How Long Do Mini Lops Live For? Life Expectancy | Lifespan

    As rabbit breeds go, the mini lop has to be one of the cutest and adorable around. They are, after all, amazingly small, delectably pudgy, and have the most incredibly long furry ears that loll to both sides of their head. Personality wise, the mini lop is exceptionally friendly and playful, making them the ideal…

  • Why Do Rabbits Eat Their Young? 3 Ways To Prevent It

    Why Do Rabbits Eat Their Young? 3 Ways To Prevent It

    With an average gestation period of around just one month, the average rabbit doe can hypothetically give birth up to 12 times a year; with each litter consisting of anywhere from 1 to 14 baby bunnies. So, why do rabbits eat their young? Despite their cute and innocent facade, however, there’s an interesting, but quite…

  • What Color Are Rabbits Eyes? Are They All The Same?

    What Color Are Rabbits Eyes? Are They All The Same?

    Many people, when asked, will say something along the lines of, “Like car headlights”, “Monster eyes!” or just simply, “Uh, red?” But little do they know that rabbit eyes are actually some of the most interesting things about these furry creatures. There are a lot more varieties of rabbits eyes than you may think. Brown…