Can Guinea Pigs Eat Green Beans? Are they beneficial

guinea pig eating green beans

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If you own a guinea pig you know that they enjoy being given occasional tasty treats. These treats are key to ensuring that they always remain happy. Too many owners who love spoiling their pets, the tasty green beans can be a good choice. But perhaps, you wonder and ask yourself – can guinea pigs eat green beans? If they can, what benefits can they offer and how much can they eat.

Guinea pigs can eat green beans; they are low in calories and rich in vitamin C and other minerals. They are also a rich source of folic acid and fiber which is essential for guinea pigs. However, exercise caution since the high phosphorus and calcium in green beans can lead to multiple health issues. 

can guinea pigs eat green beans

To get the most out of the green beans, give your guinea pigs when they are young and fresh. The leaves and the seed are fit for consumption. 

I will take you an in-depth look into the subject by analyzing the health benefits and the dangers of feeding your guinea pigs with green beans.

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Health Benefits of Green Beans

Green beans are undoubtedly one of the most nutritious vegetables for guinea pigs and their owners! This vegetable with multiple benefits contains lots of good things for your companion. So why deny it?

There are several reasons why you can add green beans to your guinea pig’s diet. When given properly, green beans can help your pet in boosting its immunity.

The fibers contained in green beans are very effective in effectively combating digestive problems such as constipation. They act as a natural laxative and allow your guinea pig to feel relieved quickly and get normal bowel movements. 

green beans

Be careful, however, how you incorporate them into your diet. If it is a “cure” to treat a problem of constipation, give your guinea pig some green beans at first as a supplement to its ration to verify that it tolerates them well. After some time, you can consider giving it regularly, always in addition to a healthy, balanced diet, adapted to the nutritional needs of your guinea pig. 

An invaluable aid in maintaining guinea pigs’ weight and diet

The low-calorie content (31 calories per 100 grams) in green beans is a great ally in maintaining a healthy weight. They are very useful especially if your guinea pig tends to overfeed. Don’t hesitate to add a little green bean to your guinea pig’s kibble portion. The feeling of satiety will remain the same, but the number of calories will be less. 

The satiety effect on the stomach helps to maintain a stable weight, or make your guinea pig lose weight (depending on the diet adopted and the quantity offered), without changing the guinea pig’s habits. And what’s more, they love it!

Initially, offer your guinea pig 10 grams of green beans 2 to 3 times a week. This may prevent intestinal disorders that are experienced when new food is introduced. If you feel that everything is going well (normal stools, healthy fur, happy guinea pig), you may consider giving it green beans regularly up to 50g.

Green beans have so many benefits that it is difficult to count them. In addition to their many health benefits (digestion, weight, immune defenses), they are extremely easy to prepare. Be careful, however, if your guinea pig is predisposed to the formation of urinary stones. Just avoid them. 

can guinea pigs eat green beans

Nutrition Facts of Green Beans

Green beans are a source of vitamin A, folic acid, and also in smaller amounts of B vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, pantothenic acid), vitamin C, and vitamin K.

Vitamin K is useful for bone mineralization, cell growth, and also has anti-inflammatory properties. It would also play a role in cardiovascular health and prevent bone fractures. Vitamins A and C are powerful antioxidants essential to the body so that it can defend itself from free radicals. Vitamin C helps fight cardiovascular disease and contributes to skin health.

In green beans, you can also find minerals such as calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, potassium, fluorine, copper, and manganese.

Green beans have a positive effect on reducing the level of bad cholesterol in the blood, reduce the risk of atherosclerosis, heart disease, improve circulation, and the work of the immune system. Also, they improve blood coagulability and diuretic effect, as the bean detoxifies the body. 

Precaution when feeding guinea pigs with Green beans

Guinea pigs should not be served a large amount of calcium and phosphorus, which is contained in green beans, as this can lead to digestive disorders. These rodents have a sensitive digestive system, so care should be taken to choose their food. A huge amount of green beans can be poisonous as well as sprayed green beans.

Guinea pigs should be fed about twice or thrice a week, sticking to the regular times of the day – the pigs get used to the feeding times and when the mealtime approaches, they may gently squeak. Remember that guinea pigs should have constant access to fresh drinking water; you can give it distilled water, changing it from time to time. 

Always consider the source of your green bean. Organic grown green beans, as well as those you have grown yourself, are the best since fewer chemicals. 

If your guinea pigs prefer the seed or the leaf, just let it be. Don’t force it and allow it to enjoy this delicacy. Always serve the green beans while still raw. Cooked green beans should not be given to the animal as this can pose danger to its digestive system.

Before giving your pet, green beans make sure to wash them and get rid of dirt or even fertilizers and chemicals.

How many green beans can a guinea pig eat?

Guinea pigs should only eat 1 or 2 green beans at a time, and only a couple days a week. They are high in vitamin C which is great for your guinea pigs, but they are also high in calcium and phosphorous, both of which can cause illnesses.

Can you overfeed a guinea pig vegetables?

Guinea pigs will often stop eating when they are full, so they tend not to over eat. It is possible, however, to over feed your guinea pig with vegetables. Veggies are great for guinea pigs, but they contain a lot of vitamins and nutrients that can easily become an “overdose” limit.

Can guinea pigs eat frozen vegetables?

You should avoid giving your guinea pig frozen vegetables. When vegetables are frozen, they lose a lot of valuable nutrients. Some vegetables are also blanched before freezing, making them partially cooked. Since guinea pigs can’t digest cooked foods, it is best to stay away from frozen vegetables.

Can guinea pigs eat snow peas?

Guinea pigs can eat snow peas, but they should only eat a maximum of two pods a week.

Conclusion: Can Guinea Pigs Eat Green Beans?

The next time you’re preparing green beans, try feeding some to guinea pigs and find out if the new delicacy appeals to them or not. Also, try to look for any possible side effects. When you notice some side-effects contact a vet immediately to get professional advice.

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