Chia seeds are obtained from the desert shrub Salvia Hispanica. The plant is native to Central America.
Chia seeds have long been used by wild birds traveling through deserts and for birds that live in dry and semi-arid environments.
Chia seeds are safe for birds to eat since they are high in omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, and they can supply calcium and protein to birds.
Seeds should account for 10% of a bird’s diet, and chia seeds can be offered either raw, dry, or soaking.
Not only are chia seeds beneficial and superior to many meals, but they are also somewhat sweet; thus, wild birds enjoy them.
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Why Do Wild Birds Eat Chia Seeds?
All birds require a balanced omega-three and omega-six fatty acids diet. Chia seeds include a healthy mix of omega three and six fatty acids, supporting birds’ immune systems and capacity to respond to sickness.
These seeds are also high in fat, which wild birds require to prevent feather discoloration. When a bird consumes low-fat diets, it may develop faulty and malformed feathers and bruises.
Birds require a significant amount of protein to maintain their feathers healthy, especially for young ones. All hatchlings require additional proteins for the optimal insulation and development of robust feathers.
Chia seeds are a high-protein source and contain high-calorie content, which aids in weight gain and keeps the wild birds warm throughout the winter.
The seeds include numerous antioxidants that are important for the health of wild birds’ livers, hearts, and cellular activity. It is also true that birds require various quantities of calcium at different stages of their life cycle.
Birds require calcium to build and strengthen their bones and feathers, particularly while the female birds are laying eggs.
However, calcium is one of the most difficult nutrients for birds to obtain since it is not readily available in most meals. That is why birds should eat chia seeds since they are filled with calcium.
These seeds provide a good energy boost for animals because they are a nutritious raw diet with no added components. Despite their small size, the seeds provide the birds with good nourishment and daily energy.

Disadvantages of Wild Birds Feeding on Chia Seeds.
Though chia seeds are high in nutrients, it is important not to overfeed birds on a pure seed diet. If you offer chia seeds to a bird, it’s easy to overdo and feed them too much.
As a general guideline, a bird’s diet should not comprise more than 10% seeds of its daily dietary measurements because it would instead deplete the nutrient value.
Seeds might be harmful if consumed in excess. Although seeds have a high concentration of nutrients, they are insufficient to support a bird on a seed-only diet.
Young birds given an excessive amount of chia seeds may develop renal failure and calcification due to excess calcium.
Furthermore, too much phosphorus from chia seed overfeeding might cause calcium absorption issues. Despite being an avian and human superfood, chia seeds are a poor provider of vitamins.
Which Chia Seeds Are Good for Wild Birds?
Chia seeds are beneficial to your bird’s blood, flesh, and bone health if fed in moderation, whether raw, blended or soaked. Wild birds can consume raw chia seeds since they are easy to digest in a bird’s diet.
Raw chia seeds are incredibly beneficial to birds. They are made organically; therefore, there are no added or artificial ingredients. They may be eaten without being ground or softened.
While birds consume most seeds dry, including chia seeds, it is best to soak them in water, smoothies, juice, incorporate them into pudding, porridge, and bakery items, and sprinkle them on cereal yoghurt salad, and rice before offering them to them. However, it is perfectly safe to give birds dried chia seeds.
Whether you are giving raw, crushed, or soaked chia seed, it is critical to keep the doses modest.
However, if you have a newborn bird that needs to be fed, it is not a good idea to offer them uncooked chia seeds. Although digestion would be unaffected, they may choke on dry food.
Can All Wild Birds Eat Chia Seeds?
Chia seeds may be consumed by wild birds in the same way as they can by the garden or domestic birds. Wild birds eat similarly to domestic birds, except their protein requirements are higher since they need more energy.
Nonetheless, both vegetarian and carnivorous birds may consume chia seeds.
Wild birds have a very high appetite and nutritional needs. They may be required to eat every 10 to 15 minutes. Baby birds can consume chia seeds; however, only up to 10% of their daily diet can contain chia seeds.
It is also crucial to remember that feeding hard raw chia seeds to a newborn bird is not a brilliant idea. Instead, soak the seeds in water to form a pudding to prevent them from choking.
Final Thoughts.
Wild birds consume chia seeds in addition to any other seeds they come upon. These tiny black or white seeds are high in fiber, protein, and vitamins.
Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids found in chia seeds support the immune system and the body’s ability to respond to sickness and precancerous situations in birds.