While most pet birds do have fairly tame tempers, some can become very irritable and even destructive when they don’t receive the right amount of care or attention.
If you’re looking into adopting a feathered friend in the nearby future, it’s important to know what birds are notorious for having destructive habits, especially if you are renting or living in an apartment.
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1. Macaws

Macaws are extremely beautiful and intelligent birds, however, they tend to possess a lot of difficult traits that make them a poor choice for beginners.
These types of birds are very social creatures that like to establish a strong bond with their owners. In the wild, they spend the majority of their time interacting with their flock and they expect the same amount of interaction from their owners.
These birds do not want to be left alone and upon isolation, they are known to become very loud and destructive.
Macaws are a larger bird breed with a sharp, thick beak and they will use it to rip, shred, and break nearby objects if they become bored or unhappy.
This species also has a stubborn personality that they will use constantly to test their boundaries. This can lead to other unwanted traits like nipping and biting as well.
2. Cockatoos

While they can be very loving and affectionate, cockatoos are known to have loud and destructive behaviors. Cockatoos are fairly large-sized birds that want constant care and attention from their owners.
Even when they are receiving the right amount of care, it’s their beaks that tend to get them in the most trouble.
Cockatoos like to chew on all types of wood and this can be a costly habit for those who rent or live in apartments.
Window sills, wall trim, and furniture are common targets for this bird species, and isolating them from these environments will only make their behavior worse.
If you are planning on owning this type of bird, you will need to focus on keeping any wooden areas protected from their reach.
3. Parrots

There are many different species of parrots to choose from, however, they all tend to require similar amounts of care and display similar kinds of behaviors.
Like any other bird, parrots are highly intelligent and require a lot of regular interaction. When parrots do not have the right environment, become isolated, or simply get bored, they tend to become more destructive.
Many parrots are commonly known to use their beaks as a way to display their emotions, especially when they are not happy.
This can look like destroying the environment around them or biting their owners.
Parrots need a lot of space and attention to keep them happy, so if they begin showing signs of blatant destruction, they are simply trying to communicate their needs.
4. Conures

Conures are medium-sized parrots that are very common choices amongst bird owners, however, they are known to have quite large personalities for their modest size.
These types of birds are highly active and prefer spending more time outside of their cages than inside.
While they do show a lot of affection, they are also naturally destructive by nature. Conures typically like to chew on anything that can fit in their beaks and they are not shy about voicing their needs either.
These high-maintenance birds destroy toys very quickly and will shred or break into just about anything near them if they become bored.
If you’re going to keep a conure, you’ll want to make sure to give them a lot of attention and keep an abundance of toys around to keep them busy.
5. Lorikeets

Don’t be fooled by this bird’s small size and beautiful colors, as they are just as destructive as other larger bird species. Lorikeets require a lot of extra care due to their liquid-based diet and need for constant interaction.
Some owners even cover their cages to keep the surrounding area clean and damage-free.
Not only can they be destructive to their environment, but they can also be destructive to themselves as well.
If left in isolation for too long, lorikeets become stressed and start reflecting this emotion by plucking their feathers or destroying nearby objects.
These birds have a highly active lifestyle and are quite mischievous. They are often found getting in trouble quicker than you can stop it. Lorikeets need a lot of toys and cage space to keep them happy.
This bird species tend to be susceptible to many behavioral issues so it is important to give them constant care if you are planning on owning one yourself.
In Conclusion
While many birds naturally possess destructive behaviors, they can be controlled with regular interaction, an abundance of toys, and time outside of their cage. We found some toys on Amazon that are perfect for Parrots to take their frustrations out on. Better than your furniture!
Many birds also end up becoming destructive as a way to communicate their needs.
If your bird starts to show signs of aggression or destruction that they weren’t showing before, chances are their needs are not being met to the extent that they need.
Any species of bird will require constant care and attention from their owners, so it is always important to be aware of this before adopting.
Most often, destructive behavior can be fixed or controlled, so don’t let this deter you from bonding with one of these creatures if you are ready for the commitment.