Can Gerbils eat celery? You need to know this!


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Gerbils like to chew on different vegetables, including celery. Celery is a vegetable of the apiaceae family, composed of long, fibrous stems and small green leaves. It reaches a height of about 80 centimeters and has leaves with a typically serrated edge. The root is taproot, that is, narrow and long and penetrates deep into the ground). Celery is good for gerbils, and it’s not a dangerous food for them.

Do you know whether it is good for gerbils to eat celery? Can celery be bad for gerbils? Can a gerbil eat any part of celery?

Read on to find out these and other answers.

Can Gerbils eat celery? Celery is one of the vegetables that can be introduced in gerbil’s diet. However, before giving celery to your gerbil, you have to know that when including a new food in its diet, it is essential to give it in isolation and small amounts, because that way you can tell if it feels bad.

gerbil and celery

If stools appear more liquid or softer than normal, it is recommended to avoid the food in question.

Properties of celery in gerbils

Celery is a type of vegetable with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. These two beneficial components make it an excellent option for detoxifying the body, but also for your pets. 

This vegetable is also rich in vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin PP, vitamin C, vitamin B6 and minerals such as copper, calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium. It contains 1-4% sugars, 2-3% proteins, and up to 100 mg of ascorbic acid.

Also, it is rich in pectins, oxalic acid, organic acids, and essential oils. This makes it a perfect choice for gerbils. It is recommended to give your gerbils celery mixed with other vegetables or herbs. 

Celery contains powerful antioxidants that fight free radicals, including flavonoids and limonene, which can help protect your gerbil’s cells from oxidative stress and inflammation, which could cause premature aging.

Celery can also help gerbils maintain optimal heart health. It has antihypertensive and antihyperlipidemic properties. Celery’s distinctive scent can also be beneficial in refreshing your gerbil’s breath.

Is celery a safe food for gerbils?

Celery is generally a safe food for gerbils. However, moderation is important to ensure that it will not sabotage your pet’s nutritionally balanced diet.

Providing excessive amounts of celery to your pet could result in a higher fiber consumption than necessary, which generally represents less than 5% of its diet; This could cause diarrhea and poor absorption of many vital nutrients. 

Another important caveat to consider is possible pesticide toxicity. Some celery plants are sprayed with pesticides or herbicides, depending on the origin of the product.

If you are not sure that your celery is organic, wash it thoroughly before placing it in the pet food bowl.

gerbil sitting on a hand

How much celery can I give to my gerbil?

In the case of celery, it is recommended to give it frequently, but not daily, limiting its consumption to 1-2 times a week. One has to regulate its consumption because when given in excess, it has strong laxative effects, which causes diarrhea and dehydration.

This means that it should not be included in the daily ration of vegetables which should be given to the gerbils. In this ration, other vegetables are included, such as chard or lamb’s lettuce.

How to give celery to your gerbil

Fruits and vegetables for gerbils are used as a supplement, without exceeding 15-20% of the total diet. If we do not respect this, we are likely to give a huge amount of celery in one sitting. This can cause diarrhea, vomiting, or stomach upset for a day or a few hours.

So how do you prepare celery for gerbils? We can do it in several ways: give fresh celery cut into small pieces several days a week as if it were a treat.

Cut the celery stalk, as it has very long fibers, which could make a gerbil choke. However, keep in mind that a healthy diet is a varied diet, and celery is not the only vegetable you can give your gerbil

can gerbils eat celery

Can I give any part of the celery to my gerbil?

Any part of the celery is suitable for a gerbil to consume; however, one must take into account that the most fibrous part, the stem, can be a little more problematic.

It is not that it has any harmful substance, but its structure, composed of long fibers, can be dangerous because the hardest fibers can cause problems if they remain between the gerbil’s teeth, or if they are swallowed whole, this can cause asphyxiation.

It is best to cut the celery into small pieces, thus breaking the fibers and eliminating any risk. In the case of the leaves, there is no problem as they are much more tender, and we do not have to cut them in any way as the gerbil can gnaw on them as it wishes.

What if I give my gerbil too much celery?

As we have already said, celery in large quantities has laxative effects. But in addition, it can cause different disorders, or aggravate them if they are already present. This is due to its apiol content, which in certain doses, has harmful effects on the kidneys and the liver. In this way the side effects of an excess of celery in rabbits would be:

  • Diarrhea.
  • Hepatonephritis.
  • Jaundice.
  • Blood in the urine.
  • Oliguria.
  • In the most severe cases, death.

For all these reasons, although celery is suitable for gerbils (in moderate quantities), it is good to find out about the prohibited foods for gerbils before giving new feed to our pets.

can gerbils eat celery

Final thoughts: Can gerbils eat celery?

If you’re looking for a healthy substitute instead of harmful pet treats, then celery is one of the best options. This low-cost vegetable contains a wide variety of nutrients that can benefit your pet’s health.

When celery is finely chopped, there are many ways to include it in your gerbil’s food. Be sure not to feed your pet too much celery (no more than 5% of its overall food intake), as it can cause diarrhea when consumed in large amounts.

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