A group of chickens is called a brood, and a group of baby chickens is called a clutch. Females are known as hens, and the male chicken is known as a rooster!
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Are Chickens Sociable in a brood?
Chickens can indeed be sociable and friendly with each other. In fact, they will become quite lonely if they are not part of a group or pair. In the wild, their hierarchies are made up of several hens, some submissive males, and an alpha rooster.
These groups will nest, forage, and preen alongside one another. Occasionally, when they are looking for hens of their own, you may see a solitary rooster.
Female chickens and chicks group together, and the rooster will keep watch and warn of danger!
What is a Group of Chickens Called?
A group of chickens is referred to as a ‘brood’ of chickens, or, less commonly (but perhaps more charmingly), a ‘peep’ of chickens. These groupings of chickens can be a sight to see, all pecking for seeds and pulling up grass, or maybe taking a sand bath together.
In order for chickens to be happy, they should be kept in a brood of many chickens, or at the very least, in a pair!
What is a Female Chicken Called?
A female chicken is called a hen. These are easily distinguished from the males, as they are generally quite a bit smaller. Their wattles are also much smaller.
Typically, rooster plumage will be a lot showier. Sometimes, with large or extra colorful chickens, you may have difficulty telling whether they are a hen or a rooster.
In this case, you’ll just need to wait and see if they lay an egg. There is no one visible indicator of their sex. Most of the time, chicken gender is easy to tell apart, however!
What is a Male Chicken Called?
A male chicken is called a Rooster, or a cock. For each brood, there should be only one rooster. Otherwise, they will fight to injury or death, until there’s an alpha and winner. Clearly, there’s absolutely no need for this violent affair.
Instead, be sure to pair your hens with just one rooster (or no rooster, if you don’t want them to breed). Ostensibly, he will protect them from danger (but make sure to secure your coop – a rooster is no defense against a fox!).
What is a Baby Chicken Called?
Baby chickens are known as ‘chicks,’ and a group of chicks is known as a ‘clutch.’ These fluffy little baby birds are quite cute, stumbling clumsily about and communicating in ‘cheeps.’
Most eggs that chickens lay are unfertilized, though there is still some risk if you have a rooster! These eggs are primarily brown, cream, or snowy-white in color!
Did you know that a group of chickens could be called a ‘peep?’ There are some truly unique names for groups of animals, and a chicken ‘brood’ is just one of the few!